Discrimination Series - Religion


We are looking for a volunteer to draft an article, as part of our ongoing series focussing on Discrimination, using the Equality Act as the framework. We would like this particular article to focus on Religion.  Leducate has already got an article setting out the basics on the Equality Act (link: https://www.leducate.co.uk/news/leducate-explains/discrimination) so we would prefer if this article focussed in more detail on religion in particular, rather than the Equality Act more generally. That said please remember to limit the amount of detail to what you would expect someone with little to no legal knowledge to be able to understand.

Some ideas of what to include:

  • Examples of where the definition of religion might apply

  • Examples of where that application has been unsatisfactory or problematic

  • Prominent case study of a group successfully asserting their rights under S.10

  • Prominent case study of a group unsuccessfully attempting to assert their rights under S.10

  • Discussion on the practicalities of what amounts to direct/indirect discrimination in everyday examples.

  • Remedies if the reader feels that they have suffered a breach of their rights under the Equality Act.

It’s important to bear in mind that we want our readers to come away being able to know when their rights under the Equality Act have been breached and feel confident and knowledgeable about how to do something about it.

The article should be 500 - 750 words and should be an accessible explanation of the issue, in simple terms for to engage 16-18-year-olds without a legal background.

NOTE: We have found that it is essential for articles of this kind to be written with limited legal terms, and to be clearly defined when they are used, to make them as accessible as possible. We would ask, therefore, to limit complex legal jargon to ensure that the article is easily digestible by the targeted audience.

Remember - The law can be scary, at Leducate we hope to make it as accessible as possible!

Be sure to let us know if you are interested in writing this article below.
