Leducate Explains: Antitrust - Google and Fitbit
In this article, we would like to touch upon the basics of antitrust, or competition law, what it is, why it is important to consumers. What were the issues that arose with Google aquiring Fitbit?
Some ideas of what to include:
What is competition or antitrust law?
How does it protect you as a consumer?
What benefits does it give consumers?
Why is competition or antitrust law important?
Give examples of famous large companies having trouble joining
Are there exceptions to this?
i.e. does it matter if the companies are unrelated, does it matter if one company is the distributer the other the manufacturer?
What is happening with Google and Fitbit?
What trouble did they have with the EU?
What would it mean if they could not join?
The above are guides of what we think will fit well in the article but are not prescriptive. The aim of the article is to give the reader an idea of how competition law works and explaining why it is important.
The article should be 750 - 1000 words and should be an accessible explanation of the issue, in simple terms for to engage 16-18-year-olds without a legal background.
NOTE: We have found that it is essential for articles of this kind to be written with limited legal terms, and to be clearly defined when they are used, to make them as accessible as possible. We would ask, therefore, to limit complex legal jargon to ensure that the article is easily digestible by the targeted audience.
Remember - The law can be scary, at Leducate we hope to make it as accessible as possible!
Be sure to let us know if you are interested in writing this article below.