Research in Equality and Discrimination


As part of a new module requested by a partner school we will be developing a series of lessons on Equality and Discrimination. 

We are looking for research into the following areas:

  • An overview as to what the Equality Act 2010 aims to do and which characteristics it protects. 

  • A brief overview of how the Equality Act consolidated a number of different Acts that came before it and why this was deemed necessary e.g. Equal Pay Act etc. 

  • An explanation of different types of discrimination and what these mean. E.g. Direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Provide examples as to how these can occur. 

  • Can discrimination ever be lawful?

  • Who the Equality Act applies to. 

  • A description of and how this can occur: 

  • Discrimination through association. 

  • Discrimination by perception.

  • Examples and a few case studies in the following areas:

  • Discrimination in the workplace or school 

  • Discrimination in the community [can cover any example when out in the community] 

  • Discrimination online

This is a large task so may require multiple volunteers depending on the time availability each volunteer is able to offer. If you are interested in researching any point, please get in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your assistance in the development of these lessons. 
